Pool Program

The Cecil County Health Department’s Environmental Health Services Division regulates public swimming pools and spas by implementing COMAR 10.17.01. The purpose of the regulation is to establish minimum standards for operation in order to protect the public’s health and safety. This is accomplished through pre-opening and operational inspections of all facilities. The pre-opening inspections are conducted before opening the facility to the public. These inspections mainly look at the pool equipment and verify its operability for the upcoming season. Operational inspections are conducted during the season to maintain operating standards. These standards include verifying that the chemical makeup of the water is satisfactory, as well as the facility’s recirculation and sanitizing equipment is functioning. Inspections are conducted every quarter for year-round pools and every month for seasonal pools.

Public pools and spas are divided into three categories, which include recreational, semi-public, and limited public use. Recreational facilities are open to the general public for a fee, possess water recreational equipment such as diving boards and slides, or are part of a housing complex with more than ten units. Semi-public facilities are those that are not open to the general public and are associated with a housing complex of ten or fewer units. The limited public use facilities are those that are private pools that belong to family day care facilities.


The Cecil County Health Department licenses public swimming pools and spas in Cecil County. New construction of a public swimming pool or spa and alterations to existing public swimming pools and spas in Cecil County requires a permit from the Maryland Department of Health’s Center for Healthy Homes and Community Services.

Certified Pool and Spa Operators and Lifeguards

All licensed swimming pools and spas must have a certified pool and spa operator. The operator must complete an approved pool and spa course and receive a certificate from the Cecil County Health Department or another Local Health Department in Maryland. Lifeguards must be present at all recreational swimming pools and spas during operation.

Services Provided

  • License all public swimming pools and spas in Cecil County.
  • Conduct pre-opening and routine inspections of public swimming pools and spas.
  • Issue pool operator certificates to all individuals who complete an approved pool and spa operator’s course.
  • Respond to complaints pertaining to public swimming pools and spas.

Permits and forms

For tips on how to stay healthy while swimming, visit the CDC’s Healthy Swimming page.