Welcome to CCHD Communications Department

The Health Department employs a variety of digital and traditional media in an effort to communicate health information to the community.

Digital tools include the CCHD website and social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram as well as our mobile app that can be found on Apple and Android platforms.

The department also uses traditional communication, such as press releases that are sent to print and broadcast media outlets, and printed material for reports and hand-outs are also produced on a regular basis.

If you have communication requests, please email or use the form below.

Communications Request Form


The form below can be used both by CCHD employees and community members and organizations.

If you are an area organization hosting an event and would like CCHD to participate please use this form.

Requests will be responded to within 24 hours.

Communications Request Form

Use this form to make external communications requests including website and application updates, social media posts, traditional press releases, and paid advertisements.

Is this request from an external organization?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Campaign Placement
Please include draft campaign copy.
Please include a website link if applicable.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.